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Run 3 TLA analysis with Beautiful jets



The Big Picture

The scope of this package is to take TLA private ntuples (produced by these xAH config files) and produce analysis plots and histograms. In the future, it may include also fitting or statistical interpretations.

Where to find input ntuples

If you have access to /eos/atlas are, you can find the input files at:


If you are running analysis on AF UChicago, you can find the same set of input files at:



See Private ntuple schema page for the full description about data and how it's prepared.

Minimal Working Example

MC ntuples

To get the "right" number of expected events into histograms when using MC samples, you need to worry keep track of weights. In particular, you need three weights, the sumOfWeight and pmgWeight are not event-wise, you obtain them from metadata (either in a histogram inside the same file, or from a PMG file on /cvmfs/ are), see also get_pmg_weight.

julia> using BjetTLA, UnROOT, FHist

julia> file_path = "/data/jiling/TLA/eos_ntuples/mc23a/Zprime_bb/user.sfranche.510392.MGPy8EG_S1_qqa_Ph25_mRp125_gASp1_qContentUDSC.e8514_s4162_r15315._nv0.1_tree.root/user.sfranche.38342968._000001.tree.root";

julia> weight_hist = UnROOT.parseTH(ROOTFile(file_path)["MetaData_EventCount"]; raw=false);

julia> sumOfWeight = bincounts(weight_hist)[3]

julia> dsid = BjetTLA.extract_dsid(file_path)

julia> pmgWeight = BjetTLA.get_pmg_weight(dsid)

Then you can write your event-loop and fill histograms using the obtained weights in combination with the per-event evt.mcEventWeight:

julia> tree = LazyTree(file_path, "TreeAlgo_noCalib/nominal");

julia> myhist = Hist1D(; binedges = 0:10)

julia> for evt in tree
           genWeight = evt.mcEventWeight
           wgt = genWeight * (pmgWeight / sumOfWeight)
           n_hard_photon = count(>(20), evt.ph_pt)
           push!(myhist, n_hard_photon, wgt)

julia> myhist
edges: [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]
bin counts: [0.010480257533107834, 0.26589324498441064, 0.004167311195126139, 3.1301815413685986e-5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
total count: 0.2805721155280583

At the end of this example, the bincounts of myhist correspond to number of expected events for this signal process if we have 1 pb1 of integrated luminosity, thus, to obtain expected number of events corresponding to, say, Run 2022 AllYear, we can multiply by the run's luminosity:

julia> run2022_lumi = 24537.39;

julia> myhist * run2022_lumi
edges: [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]
bin counts: [257.1581663903048, 6524.326250548028, 102.25494004617617, 0.7680648525136243, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
total count: 6884.507421837022

Developer Note

The packages that are good to be familiar with:

  • UnROOT.jl for reading root files

  • FHist.jl for histograms

  • like any Julia package, the source files are under /src